
Some parts of our site use cookies in order to make your experience better.  This short article outlines how we use cookies.

Terms used in this article

Cookie - a small text file that is downloaded to your device
Device - your PC, laptop, smartphone, iPod, iPad etc
Browser - the software used on your device to view web pages (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox etc)
Web server - the device that hosts the web site.  Your device connects to the web server via the internet.

Our cookies

Our cookies do not contain any personal information. 

We only use cookies to enhance the way the site works.  Fundamentally, the way websites work is that each page is completely independent of all other pages.  To overcome this, cookies are used.  As an example, a cookie may be added to a device so that the web server knows that the device being used to click the "add to basket" button is the same the device used to view the following Basket screen.

Cookies are often also used to identify that a user has "signed in" to the site.  The cookie does not contain any personal information but it does uniquely identify that you are logged in.

Some areas of our site will not function without the use of cookies.  Unless your device accepts cookies you will not be able to register, sign in, add things to your basket or place an order.  If you try to access these areas without giving your consent to us using cookies you will be directed to this page.

Third party cookies

Our site may use cookies from third parties, for example Google.  By the nature of their business Google cookies are likely to be used to track activity across sites.  For more information, please refer directly to the cookie policies published by these third parties.

Blocking or removing cookies

If you feel uncomfortable about websites using cookies you can change the security settings of your browser to restrict how sites put cookies on your device.  There are a wide range of browsers and versions so you need to refer to the documentation for your particular browser if you need help with changing your cookie settings.

It is also possible to delete cookies from your device.  You can delete one, some or all cookies from your device.  The precise set of steps for removing cookies varies depending on which browser you are using.  Please refer to the documentation for your particular browser if you need help with deleting cookies on your device.